Wedding venues are like many things in life; complicated.  There is no ‘one size fits all’, and the whole process of choosing a wedding venue can be a minefield.  However, the flip side to this is it can feel blooming brilliant when you find the venue that is right for you.  You just have to navigate the path until you get there.  Looking for your venue is a biggie.  The biggest biggie and it can be the biggest deal breaker!

I have a few hints and tips picked up over the years which I hope will help you in your journey and relive some of the stress in what will end up being a magical day for you.

1. don’t get caught up with fancy marketing or glossy magazines

Just because a venue states it is a ‘wedding venue’ does not mean it is the venue for you.  A wedding venue means quite literally a place to hold a wedding.  Pretty much anywhere can be a wedding venue – a barn which is falling down, a woodland, a field….anywhere.  Type the word ‘Cotswolds wedding venue’ in to google and page after page comes up.  Joe Blogs could quite easily decide one day that he wants to set up an instagram page, buy some followers, show a few photos, create a fancy name….and hey presto he has a wedding venue which he is selling at a ‘great price’ to unsuspecting wedding couples.   Before you know it, you’ve paid a deposit never to see it again.  Do your research. This isn’t just limited to wedding venues but to every.single.supplier you look at.  Look deeper than pretty photos on social media.  Talk to people.  Look at reviews.  If it seems too good to be true then honey, it probably is.

2. Be true to yourselves

Who are you two as a couple?  What do you enjoy doing in your down time?  What are your hobbies?  What is your favourite season?  How are you with British weather?

If you love the outdoors and can embrace the British weather then choosing a wedding barn sounds like it could suit you.  If you prefer the feel of a Cotswolds venue but want the guarantee of being warm, dry and not have the hassle of relocating if it rains then a Cotswolds hotel would be a better option.  Your focus should be on the internal areas – are they big enough to host your guests,  are there breakaway rooms, are there attractive spaces for photographs without having to kick your guests out the way?

Barns quite often have beautiful outdoor spaces overlooking the Cotswolds which can be breathtaking but remember, it is not always dry and sunny.  If the thought of a bit of rain doesn’t make you shudder then a barn venue will probably suit you well.

3. are you bringing your dog?

It t seems to be quite a common occurrence these days to see dogs at weddings.  However, don’t take this for granted and make sure you check with your potential venue that they allow dogs.  Not all venues do.  Also , don’t assume that everyone likes dogs.  Check with your vicar, or your registrar too – with plenty of notice.  The last thing you want is to have a curveball thrown at you a few hours before your wedding.

I photographed a wedding where the most beautiful spaniel was going to be the ringbearer.  The hotel had no problem with dogs being present but the registrar arrived and was not happy.  It turned out she was terrified of dogs and it was very noticeable throughout the service that she was incredibly uncomfortable.   It is worth mentioning that as a professional wedding supplier it would have been wise for the registrar to check whether dogs would be present buuuut…

Also consider whether you can get to the outside area easily.   Dogs, just like children, can have a ‘whoopsie’ and no-one likes to deal with it.

4. lighting.

What type of photographs do you want?  If you want light, bright photos then you need a venue with lots of natural light.  Large windows or windows that are not covered with thick dressed curtains.  lots of access to the outdoors, conservatories, large reception rooms, rooflights etc.  Some venues although beautiful can be very dark.  I personally love these venues but you need to make sure your vision aligns with reality.  Also remember to bear in mind  the season  your are getting married.  Photographers can only work with what’s in front of them.  They can’t change seasons of weather so bear this in mind.  And buy some Umbrellas… daylight rain can make for some great photographs.

5. make a list of must-haves.

Do this separately.  Then you can sit down together and make sure you are working from the same hymn sheet and avoid any confusion or crossed words before attending venues.  It is quite often assumed that you both have the same exact requirements when looking at a wedding venue but on paper it can sometimes be very different.  It’s not to say this is an issue but it just means that you both ensure your head makes the decision and not your heart.  As an example, one of the priorities for the groom was a great bar with lots of space, variety of drinks, places to sit at the bar and room for socialising.  This wasn’t even on the brides radar .  Equally, the bride wanted to make sure there was lots of room and space for getting ready as she had a large bridal party.  This wasn’t a consideration for the groom as he was getting ready elsewhere.  So you can see how a venue may seem perfect to one and not the other.

6. listen to the sales pitch but listen to your heart more.

I’ve never been very good at selling myself which isn’t ideal when I’m trying to sell my services as a professional photographer.  However, I know that showing my values, and my interests along with the work I do helps to show who I am  and whether I align with you.  The same can be said for wedding venues.  Meeting and booking a supplier is in simple terms just a transaction.  But in doing this transaction you have chosen to do so because you believe in the supplier, what they are offering and it meets your requirements – be it interests, values, budget, opportunity etc.

Don’t get caught up in the sales pitch.  Make sure that what you are seeing is what you want.  Don’t focus on the bottom line.  Listen to your heart.  If it doesn’t sit right chances are there is a reason for that.  As my dad used to always say to me, don’t try and fit a square cog in to a round hole.  Choosing your venue should fill you with happiness and excitement.  Without having to change or amend any of the offerings that are already there.  Strip back the words and the marketing materials and what can you see.  Can you see yourselves at the altar or dancing the night away to good music?  If you can’t then there’s a problem.  If you can then you’ve found your venue.

7. location.

If you have friends and family travelling from other areas then remember they will likely want or need to stay over.  Obviously if they are attending your wedding they will make the effort to attend whatever venue you choose regardless of the logistics but it is always worth considering should other outside factors play a part – for example the great British weather.  Many barn venues don’t offer accomodation other than for the bridal party.  If your barn is remote which is highly likely) how easy is it for guests to get transport back to a hotel.  Is it safe to walk?  Are they taxis’s available? Can you book a bus?  Can they camp?

If needing bedrooms is a requirement then a Cotswolds hotel would be a better option.  I’m not talking a basic hotel but a Cotswolds hotel full of atmosphere, beautifully decorated and with history and lots of quirks.  What better way to spend a weekend out of the city than visiting a perfectly suited Cotswolds hotel?!

Ultimately, the most important thing about all of this is that you trust and enjoy the process.  As soon as it becomes stressful ,worrying or completely confusing then walk away.  Close the wedding books and ban the talk for a few hours.  Enjoy a drink and just remind yourselves WHY you are getting married.  It can be very easy to get consumed in wedding planning in the early days of booking your wedding date.  Don’t let it take over.  Take a breather or put some music on.  Go for a walk.  Scream in to your pillow.  Ground yourself.  Or call me!  Whatever stage of wedding planning you are at, remember, it will all be worth it in the end.



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